
masterpiece academy

Big question

Before surgeons  are qualified to operate, they must meet a set of challenging education requirements. These generally include four years of undergraduate study, four years of medical school leading to a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, and three to eight years of surgical residency at a hospital. They also earn $80 an hour. I learned that it takes up to 8 years to be a surgeon, a surgeon is they type of doctor I wanna be when I grow up. You need to learn all the tools in order to form a surgery.

Ignite talk

One thing I would improve my ignite talk was being more specific. I only explained what I wanted to be when I grow up whitch was a doctor, but I didn’t say what kind of doctor or what I’m into or why im into the medical field. My ignite talk was only about me about that’s what I want to do . I could of used more details like how many years I need to study or what school is best in medical fields. The last thing I would change is me in general I could of been more load not so shy to talk I’m front of the class , and talked more about my topic.

What Goes Right At My School

It seems like when something bad happens at my school the media makes a big deal out of it and everyone gets upset. But every day, something happens at school that helps me and I never hear anyone talking about that side of things because once everyone starts talking about one thing everyone has that things attention so they talk about it. Good or bad situations it’s always the bad situation everyone talks about they wanna know details. When something good happens they congratulate you and move on but on the bad situation they spend days talking about it because maybe it never happens around.

Promises To Keep

My book I’m reading is Promises To Keep. It’s about a fifteen year old boy Tyray Hobbs  who bully’s Darrel Mercer until Darrel stood up to himself and now Tyray was planning to kill him because everyone made fun of Tyray . Tyray decided to but a gun.